First Sportz: Keeping the burning desire for everything sports alive

Playing sports, b esides shaping your physique, it also helps in shaping you as a person. It helps shape human character that gives importance to all the necessary things in life with zero careless attitude. Carelessness has never been a part of sports culture and no successful sports person displays such a character. News has grown to take on more forms than ever. It’s no longer just the 7pm Broadcast on television. Its the websites we visit, the tweets we read, the facebook posts we like…it’s any number of media platforms that we engage with on a daily basis. Those snippets of information add up to our world view and inform us when it comes to making our own opinions and judgements. First Sportz is the ultimate destination for Sports fans from around the World. You get latest sports news and updates from Cricket, Tennis, Football, Formula and so on. First Sportz keeps you up to date on the latest sports news from around the World with live ...